Visual Art Academy with Brenda Mullard

We’re just starting this page, and in the future, we’ll be sharing art curriculum and classes for kids.

In the meantime though, we’d like to share some free art video tutorials that long-time classroom art teacher Brenda Mullard has created. Brenda has a fun and whimsical style that both you and your kids will enjoy.

A few years ago, we interviewed Brenda Mullard on the HomeSchool ThinkTank Parenting Podcast. You can learn more about the importance of art by watching our video or listening to the podcast episode further down on this page.

Acrylic Painting for Beginners Tutorial: What Brushes Do I Need?

While Brenda’s offerings have changed since we first interviewed her, you and your kids can still have fun learning from her excellent painting tutorials.

Homeschool Art Tips & Tricks: Painting, Drawing, & Clay Tutorials On Our Playlist

While there are several videos about painting on this page, Brenda also has art tutorials about drawing and working with clay.

You can easily integrate Brenda’s video lessons into your homeschool art lessons.

You can access a playlist with more of the Visual Art Academy’s videos on the HomeSchool ThinkTank YouTube Channel.

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YouTube Painting Tutorial: Halloween Landscape Painting (Part 1)

Below is the Halloween painting we visited about during our interview with Brenda Mullard.

YouTube Painting Tutorial: Halloween Landscape Painting (Part 2)

Watch HomeSchool ThinkTank’s Interview With Brenda Mullard!

Podcast Map for the HomeSchool ThinkTank Parenting Podcast: May 2022. Listened to in 80+ Countries.

The HomeSchool ThinkTank Parenting Podcast

If you haven’t started listening to the HomeSchool ThinkTank Parenting Podcast yet, then you’ll want to follow us wherever you listen to podcasts.

Each week we share two podcast episodes.

  • On Monday, it’s all about your mindset. Why? Because your mindset as a parent can make a tremendous difference in your life and the lives of your children.
  • On Wednesdays, our episodes are all about homeschooling, parenting, and education.

We can send you the podcast episodes each week and help you keep up with HomeSchool ThinkTank Happenings!

Visual Art Academy: Free Painting Tutorials with Brenda Mullard

You can access a playlist with more of the Visual Art Academy’s videos on the HomeSchool ThinkTank YouTube Channel.

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